Collection: Superior Magnifico Thread

Superior Magnifico Embroidery ThreadSuperior Magnifico Thread is a bold, strong thread created for quilting and embroidery.
Magnifico is an extra-strength, high-sheen polyester that can handle the speed and tension of longarm and commercial machines, while displaying bold and beautiful shades of color.
Unlike most high-strength trilobal polyester threads, Magnifico is 'heat set' in processing, which eliminates unwanted shrinkage.
    • 40 wt. 2-ply high-tenacity trilobal polyester thread.
    • Available in 200 solid colors, so you won’t run out of color options.
    • Designed for quilting, decorative stitching, and embroidery.

Superior Magnifico and Fantastico are now on clearance. 30% off. Limited to stock on hand, no back orders. 

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